Interface Binding<C, I, A, D>

The concept of binding and its related services.

interface Binding {
    accumulator: A;
    activated: boolean;
    command: undefined | C;
    continuousCmdExecution: boolean;
    interaction: I;
    linterRules: ReadonlyMap<RuleName, Severity>;
    logBinding: boolean;
    logCmd: boolean;
    logUsage: boolean;
    name: string;
    produces: Observable<C>;
    running: boolean;
    timesCancelled: number;
    timesEnded: number;
    acceptVisitor(visitor): void;
    isWhenDefined(): boolean;
    uninstallBinding(): void;

Type Parameters

  • C extends Command

    The type of the command that will produce this binding.

  • I extends Interaction<D>

    The type of the interaction that will use this binding.

  • A

    The type of the accumulator.

  • D extends InteractionData = InteractionDataType<I>

    The interaction data type (infered from the interaction type)

Implemented by


accumulator: A

The accumulator used during the binding.

activated: boolean

States whether the binding is activated.

command: undefined | C

The command in progress or null.

continuousCmdExecution: boolean

States whether the command must be executed on each step of the interaction (and not only at the end of the interaction execution).

interaction: I

The user interaction.

linterRules: ReadonlyMap<RuleName, Severity>

The linter rules specific to this binding.

logBinding: boolean

Logs (or not) binding execution information.

logCmd: boolean

Logs (or not) command production information

logUsage: boolean

Logs (or not) usage information of the binding for usage analysis

name: string

The name of the binding

produces: Observable<C>

An RX observable objects that will provide the commands produced by the binding.

running: boolean

States whether the binding is running.

timesCancelled: number

Information method. The number of times the binding was cancelled (nevermind a command was created or not).

timesEnded: number

Information method.


The number of times the binding successfully ended (nevermind a command was created or not).


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