Class ConcurrentXOrFSM<F, T>

A concurrent FSM: an FSM that contains multiple FSMs where only one of them can run at the same time. This is thus a XOR concurrent FSM. If one FSM has started, the other ones cannot start.

Type Parameters





_conccurFSMs: readonly F[]

The main fsms

_currentState: OutputState
_dataHandler: undefined | T
_log: boolean
_started: boolean

Goes with 'startingState'. It permits to know whether the FSM has started, ie whether the 'starting state' has been reached.

_states: State[]

The states that compose the finite state machine.

currentStatePublisher: Subject<[OutputState, OutputState]>
currentSubFSM: undefined | FSM

The current sub FSM in which this FSM is while running.

currentTimeout: undefined | TimeoutTransition

The current timeout in progress.

eventsToProcess: Event[]

The events still in process. For example when the user press key ctrl and scroll one time using the wheel of the mouse, the interaction scrolling is finished but the event keyPressed 'ctrl' is still in process. At the end of the interaction, these events are re-introduced into the state machine of the interaction for processing.

handlers: FSMHandler[]

The handlers to be notified on FSM state changes.

initState: InitState

The initial state of the FSM

inner: boolean

Defines whether the FSM is an inner FSM (ie, whether it is included into another FSM as a sub-FSM transition).

logger: Logger
startingState: State

By default an FSM triggers its 'start' event when it leaves its initial state. In some cases, this is not the case. For example, a double-click interaction is an FSM that must trigger its start event when the FSM reaches... its terminal state. Similarly, a DnD must trigger its start event on the first move, not on the first press. The goal of this attribute is to identify the state of the FSM that must trigger the start event. By default, this attribute is set with the initial state of the FSM.


  • get dataHandler(): undefined | T
  • Returns undefined | T

  • set dataHandler(dataHandler): void
  • Parameters

    • dataHandler: undefined | T

    Returns void


  • Adds a standard state to the state machine.


    • name: string

      The name of the state to add.

    • startingState: boolean = false

      States whether the new state is the one that starts the FSM.

    Returns StdState

    The created state.

  • Jobs to do when a timeout transition is executed. Because the timeout transition is based on a separated thread, the job done by this method must be executed in the UI thread. UI Platforms must override this method to do that.

    Returns void

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